
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

List synonyms while balancing a book on your head

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

Pick a book from the Taskmaster’s treasure crate.

Balance the book on your head.

Say a synonym to the word given to you by the Taskmaster.

You have 5 seconds to say the synonym.

You may not repeat a synonym that has already been said.

If you fail to come up with a new synonym, you are out of the game.

The last contestant remaining is the winner.

Task notes

  • The contestants are standing side-by-side in a line on the stage, and there is a box in front of them, with fabric covering the top so they cannot see its contents.
  • They have to reach through a hole in the fabric to fish out a book from within at random.
  • Ultimately, their book selection has no bearing on the task, though – it seems that the act of balancing the book has simply been added in order to give them a second thing to focus on, while coming up with synonyms.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • [Note: Some of the synonyms in this task would make sense to Finnish viewers, as there are cultural, grammatical, or linguistic references that would be inherently understood, but seem awkward when translated to English. Lengthier explanations for the synonyms are provided in the fan-made English subtitles for the episode. In the interests of brevity, only the words given by the contestants, and their English equivalents, are given here.] In the first round, Jaakko gives the contestants the word ‘hevonen’ (‘horse’). Pirjo answers with ‘koni’ (‘nag’). Fathi answers with ‘heppa’ (‘horsie’). Eija answers with ‘ratsu’ (‘mount’). Linda answers with ‘polle’ (‘dobbin’). Kalle responds with the English word ‘horse’. Pirjo hesitates on her second turn, and is eliminated. In the second round, Jaakko gives the contestants the word ‘poika’ (‘boy’). Fathi answers with ‘jatka’ (‘jack’). Eija answers with ‘kolli’ (‘stud’). Linda answers with ‘poju’ (‘kid’). Kalle answers with ‘poitsu’ (‘laddie’). Fathi answers with ‘jantteri’ (‘dude’). Eija then makes up the word ‘junkkeri’ which follows the rhythm of the word Fathi had just given, but also sounds similar to a well-known Finnish family name, Junker. She is therefore eliminated. In the third round, Jaakko gives the contestants the word ‘linja-auto’ (‘bus’). Linda answers with the English word ‘bus’. Kalle answers with ‘nysse’ (a Tampere region slang term). Fathi answers with ‘dosa’ (a Helsinki region slang term). Linda uses too generic a word ‘kulkupeli’ (meaning ‘moving device’), and so she is eliminated. In the fourth and final round, Jaakko gives the contestants the word ‘olut’ (‘beer’). Most of the contestants’ synonyms for the round are either too broad or completely made-up, but Jaakko allows it to play out, as he is enjoying the duel. Kalle answers with ‘bisse’ (a slang term). Fathi answers with ‘kepardi’ (a slang term). Kalle answers with ‘keski-kettera’ (‘mid-agile’). Fathi answers with ‘hanamehu’ (‘tap juice’). Kalle answers with ‘hiiva’ (‘yeast’). Fathi answers with ‘kannijabien mehu’ (‘juice of the drunk dudes’). Kalle answers with ‘ohrapirtelo’ (‘barley shake’). Fathi answers with ‘pilsner’. Kalle answers with ‘rahma’ (‘eye mucus’). Fathi answers with ‘markaa’ (‘a little bit of wetness’). Kalle answers with ‘vehnanen’ (‘li’l wheat’). Fathi answers with ‘kolmosta’ (‘number three’). Kalle answers with ‘kolpakko’ (‘tankard’). Fathi answers with ‘olberg’ (a derivative of a Nordic word). Kalle answers with ‘orppy’ (‘a sip’). Fathi answers with ‘bisuli’ (a strange derivative from a slang term). Kalle answers with ‘huulihyve’ (‘lip treat’). Fathi answers with ‘Kervan voimajuoma’ (‘the power-up beverage of Kerava’; Kerava is a lower-income suburb of Helsinki). Kalle answers with ‘pari sinist Lahdest’ (‘a couple of blue ones from Lahti’; a lager called Blue is brewed in Lahti). Fathi answers with ‘mayrakoira’ (‘dachshund’). Kalle answers with ‘iloliemi’ (‘glee broth’). Fathi answers with ‘vihaliemi’ (‘hate broth’). Kalle answers with ‘suolapulla nestemaisena’ (‘a salty pulla in liquid form’; pulla is a semisweet bread). Fathi answers with ‘ilmaista, kunhan juokset’ (‘free, as long as you make a run for it’). This causes Kalle to laugh hard enough that the book falls off of his head, finally ending the round.

(Source credit: Jenny R)