
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Complete the tasks with as late a start as possible

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is in David’s possession on the driveway. The brief for the task is as follows:

Complete the three tasks and reach the goal.

If you don’t make it, you’re disqualified.

1. Put a pedometer on each arm and leg, and collect 1,000 steps.

2. Unlock the box and take out the toast.

3. Throw a sandwich with peanut butter over the obstacle so that it spins at least one full spin and lands with the peanut butter side up.

The one who starts latest wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • In the driveway, a small gauntlet has been set up. A finish line is at one end of the space, and a low pole vault bar is at the other. Between these two, there are several plinths, each holding the relevant items for each part of the task: four pedometers attached to sweatbands, a fishbowl full of keys, a lockbox, and a peanut butter spreading station.
  • A small starting line has been placed in front of the steps where the contestants receive the task, indicating that once crossed, they have officially started the task, even if they have yet to interact with any of the objects.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!