Build the tallest cardboard box tower while performing impressions

Task types:

Task notes
- One small rectangle and one large rectangle are taped out on the floor with black and yellow striped caution tape.
- In the larger of the two rectangles, there are approximately 25 cardboard boxes of varying dimensions, each of which has what appears to be another task brief attached to it.
- Each of the envelopes contains the name of someone of whom the contestants must successfully perform an impression, before they can use the box in their tower.
- A number of other cardboard boxes are stacked up on top of the tiered seating at the back of the room, but these do not appear to be part of the task.
- It appears that the contestants are free to assign roles or alternate on tower building and performing impressions as they wish.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Notes on task scores
- Amalie wears the flamingo costume for this task, so doubles her points.