
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Build the tallest cardboard box tower while performing impressions

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The task brief is laid on a plinth on the lawn outside the Taskmaster house. The briefs for the task are as follows:

To Ben and Hayley:

Build the tallest skyscraper out of the boxes without leaving your designated areas.

One person will build. The other will supply boxes.

The supplier may request a box by asking Paul for it by number.

That supplier must do an impression of the person written on the box.

If the builder guesses the impression correctly, the supplier may supply it.

The builder may not request a new box until the last impression has been guessed.

If you cheat, Paul will knock over your skyscraper, and you must start again.

Tallest skyscraper wins.

You have one minute to discuss your roles, and 15 minutes to build.

Your time starts now.

To Abby, Tofiga and Tom:

Build the tallest skyscraper out of the boxes without leaving your designated areas.

One person will build. The other two will supply boxes.

The supplier may request a box by asking Paul for it by number.

That supplier must do an impression of the person written on the box.

If the builder guesses the impression correctly, the supplier may supply it.

The builder may not request a new box until the last impression has been guessed.

If you cheat, Paul will knock over your skyscraper, and you must start again.

Tallest skyscraper wins.

You have one minute to discuss your roles, and 15 minutes to build.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • There is a large red TM-branded marker spot laid on the lawn in front of the plinth, designating the area in which the supplier(s) must stand throughout the task. The plinth itself is wrapped in caution tape with the message ‘Danger Keep Out’ printed upon it.
  • Either side of the central designated area, two large areas of the lawn have been cordoned off using yellow and black striped caution tape.
  • In the area to the left of centre, there is a large, low, black platform with more caution tape along its edges, on which the builder must construct their tower. There is another large red TM-branded market spot behind this, designating the general area in which the builder should remain.
  • Both marker spots are meant as general guides only, for the purposes of filming, and the contestants are not penalised for stepping off of them – they must simply remain with their areas as designated by the cordons.
  • In the area to the right of centre, there are 53 cardboard boxes (of varying shapes and sizes) and egg cartons, each of which has a number written on it in black marker pen. On the rear of each of these boxes, the name of a person, character, animal, or object has been written, designating what impression the supplier(s) must perform. The boxes are handed to the supplier(s) by Paul, after they have requested one by number.
  • Here’s a list of the boxes where both the number and respective required impressions are known: 2) The Ghost of Christmas Future; 4) Ernest Rutherford; 6) Tom Cruise, specifically in Top Gun; 7) The knife from Psycho; 9) Orville Wright from the Wright Brothers; 10) Paris Hilton; 11) The Phantom of the Opera; 14) Neville Longbottom; 18) The bassist from Coldplay; 21) David Attenborough; 22) A Velociraptor; 23) Snoop Dogg; 27) Adele; 28) Urzila Carlson; 29) The Witch from Hansel and Gretel; 34) Meryl Streep; 42) Renée Zellweger; 45) David Bowie; 52) Queen Elizabeth I; 53) The Green M&M.
  • In addition, two of the eggboxes required impressions of Michael Caine, and Elvis Presley (possibly box 25), and two other (unseen) boxes required impressions of Dame Julie Andrews, and William Shakespeare.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!