Guess what is making the noises

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Guess which two objects are making the sound.
Most correct answers wins.
Task notes
- This task takes place during the ‘Middle of the Show’ segment, as a game titled ‘Sak + Sak = Ljud’ (‘Thing + Thing = Sound’).
- The contestants remain in their seats, and are each equipped with cards that they can use to indicate which items have been combined to create the sounds.
- David stands behind a curtain on the stage, drawing the items for each round from a large suitcase.
- The items used to create the sounds include an empty wine bottle, a toaster, a frying pan, a frozen pizza, a large hand saw, a rubber chicken, a large crispbread, an egg, a gräddtårta (a type of cream cake), and a wellington boot.
Task stats


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