
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Set the parameters for your own task

  • In this task, the contestants unwittingly set their own parameters for the task by responding to a series of questions or prompts beforehand.
  • Their answers are then either incorporated directly into a skeleton task brief, which is later presented to them as a personalised challenge, or determine the equipment available to them in a later task.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task, the contestants are instructed to order three things for under £50, which they will use in their final filmed task.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, the contestants are instructed to write down a number between zero and 100, a length of time between one minute and 20 minutes, five ingredients, a country, a noun, and an adjective. They are then set the challenge of making an [adjective] [country's nationality] [noun] using their chosen ingredients, and clapping [number] times, within [length of time].
In this version of the task, the contestants must make a set of weighing scales read a weight which is dictated by the answer they gave to a specific question, during a pre-task conversation with David. Their answers to his other questions during this conversation also dictate how they must dress and speak during the task.
In this version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to choose an item of kitchen equipment, a body part, and a gardening tool. They must then attempt to juice some oranges into a glass vase while only touching the oranges with those items.