
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Appear as different as possible in four photos

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

To everyone except Enio:

Look as different as possible in four photos that will be taken by the camera.

The camera will turn three times around its axis and, each time the picture frame is in frame, it will take one photo.

You may not touch the camera or its mechanism.

You must be in all four photos.

The most diverse set of photos wins.

The camera will start rotating 20 minutes from now.

To Enio:

Look as different as possible in eight photos that will be taken by the camera.

The camera will turn seven times around its axis and, each time the picture frame is in frame, it will take one photo.

You may not touch the camera or its mechanism.

You must be in all eight photos.

The most diverse set of photos wins.

The camera will start rotating 20 minutes from now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Enio was tasked with taking eight photos instead of four like everyone else. His strategy is mainly to pose while holding various paintings and other items from the house - including a lamp and a clock - up in front of his face. He earns one point.
  • Ana runs to her car to collect clothing and props for her photos. She assumes four different poses, wearing three different jackets/cardigans, and holding an umbrella in the fourth. In the studio, she comes up with a narrative to tie the four photos together.
  • Igor uses a different prop or item of clothing in each photo, including a camo net and an umbrella. When prompted by Ivan to come up with a narrative for his series of photos, he simply responds that the task did not require him to do that. He earns two points.
  • Ante actually puts some effort into looking different in each of his photos. He poses as a woman doing some vacuuming, as her husband (wrapped in a rug), as their delinquent son (creating graffitti), and as a construction worker at a dinner party. Ante earns four points.
  • As a model, Lidija takes to the task like a duck to water, assuming various poses - some while holding hand weights, and one with Luka - which show off her figure. At the end of the task, she seems to want to continue the photoshoot, but Luka wanders off. Lidija earns three points. In the studio, Ivan points out that she did not put any effort into actually looking different in her photos.

(Source credit: Jenny R)