
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hide three onions from Luka

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Hide 3 onions from Luka in this room.

You have 9 minutes before Luka starts searching for onions.

The winner is the one whose onions Luka searches for the longest time.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Ana attempts to hide the yellow onion in her bra, but eventually hides it down the front of her leather trousers. She hides the red onion in her make-up bag, and the leek in a vase of flowers. Luka finds all three onions in 3 minutes 26 seconds, and Ana earns last place.
  • Ante hides the red onion down the front of his jeans. He hides the leek down the back of his jeans. He hides the yellow onion inside a small wooden hutch built into the back of the staircase. Luka makes the mistake of believing that only one onion is hidden on Ante's person, which delays the time it takes for him to find the second hidden onion. Luka finds all three onions in 15 minutes 13 seconds, and Ante earns second place.
  • Enio hides the both the red and yellow onions down the front of his jeans. He hides the leek behind one of the paintings of Ivan. Luka makes the mistake of believing that only one onion is hidden on Enio's person, which delays the time it takes for him to find the second hidden onion – it is revealed in the studio that Luka actually gave up after finding two onions, and Enio voluntarily revealed the location of the third (the leek). Luka gives up searching after 17 minutes and 21 seconds, and Enio earns first place.
  • Igor bends the leek in half and hides it in a decorative bag that is hanging under a small side table. He chops up the yellow onion, wraps it in parchment paper, and shoves it in the gap between the staircase and the wall. He debates hiding the red onion in a vase, but at the last moment, puts it on a nearby plate of decorative red fruits. Luka finds all three onions in 12 minutes 55 seconds. Igor earns fourth place, but Ivan awards Igor two bonus points for his ingenuity (and, presumably, to make amends for the two points he'd docked Igor during the painting task earlier in the episode).
  • Lidija breaks the leek into several pieces, hiding it in a vase, a pillowcase (which, wisely, she sits on for a while to flatten the leek even more), a wicker flower basket, a decorative bottle, and in an unseen and difficult to access place underneath the staircase. She hides the red onion behind a decorative fence, and hides the yellow onion behind a cabinet of dishes. Luka finds all three onions in 14 minutes 35 seconds, and Lidija earns third place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)