
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The thing you most often lose

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in the thing you most often lose.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin brings in a memory book which is stuffed with mementos of all of her past relationships, as a representation of how many boyfriends she has lost. Bård describes her submission as "elaborate and a little sad" and "a cry for help", and awards her second place.
  • Lars pulls out his mobile phone and pretends to use it to cast a series of selfies to the in-studio screen. After they have been on display for a while, he reveals that the thing he loses most is his ears. He says that they disappear in every selfie he takes, so he's had to start turning his head to one side, when taking photos of himself, to prove that they exist. Bård awards him first place.
  • Hani brings in some hairpins and hair ties, which she says she is losing all the time, despite the fact that she is always wearing a headscarf over them. Bård awards her joint last place, with Vidar and Leo, giving her just 1 point.
  • Leo seems a little confused about the task. He talks about how it is very easy to lose lighters, since people borrow them and then don't give them back. However, instead of just bringing in a lighter, he brings in two examples of ways to make them harder for people to steal. The first is a storm lighter, which is much bulkier than a regular lighter. The second is a lighter which is attached to his belt with a length of retractable cord. Bård and Olli give him several chances to clarify what he is submitting to the prize pot, pointing out that both the objects he has shown are things he is very unlikely to lose. He eventually cottons on and throws the smaller lighter forward as his submission, representing the type of normal lighter that he might lose. Bård awards him joint last place, with Vidar and Hani, giving him just 1 point.
  • Vidar brings in the electronic key fobs for his Tesla car, which he says he keeps leaving in the pockets of his trousers, and they end up then going into the washing machine, and come out broken. He says that his solution to this problem has been to start vacuum-sealing the key fobs, to make them waterproof. Bård asks him to demonstrate how he puts the vacuum-sealed fobs into his pocket, and he is able to do so without much of a problem. Bård awards him joint last place, with Hani and Leo, giving him just 1 point.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)