
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Spin around and kick a football at the caravan

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The task brief is found leaning against a football, which is placed on a green penalty spot, in front of the caravan. The brief for the task is as follows:

Spin around your own axis and kick the ball so that it hits the caravan.

Most spins around your own axis wins.

The football must be on the penalty spot.

If you kick the football through the door of the caravan, you get a bonus point.

You have 100 seconds.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The number of spins on which the task is judged is based on the combined spins completed throughout the task, not just those completed immediately before any successful kick.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • While reading the task, Nikki debates cartwheeling, but David quickly demonstrates how Nikki should actually spin. Nikki starts spinning at a steady pace, even changing directions midway through. As David calls out Nikki’s remaining time, she keeps spinning (she is under the impression that she only gets a single shot at the caravan). Nikki’s shot barely misses the front of the caravan. With time running out – and with confirmation from David that she could have taken as many shots as she wanted – she quickly tries to take another shot, which goes wide. Nikki spins a total of 19 times, and earns a participation point.
  • Henrik starts spinning as quickly as he can, slowly travelling further away from the football. At one point he throws his arms out while spinning, declaring that he feels like a helicopter. Henrik is notably wobbly on his feet when he finally stops spinning. He runs towards the football and kicks it, completely botching the kick and falling to the ground. While running back with the ball, Henrik starts spinning again. Henrik’s second shot also misses the caravan. Henrik spins a total of 26 times, and earns a participation point.
  • Linnéa spins and takes her shot, which misses the caravan completely. She retrieves the ball and, after spinning again, takes another shot. This shot also misses, and she retrieves the football again. This pattern repeats for the rest of her time. Linnéa spins a total of 5 times, and earns a participation point.
  • Carina declares that she needs to win based on the number of spins, as she has no talent with football. After spinning around several times, an obviously-dizzy Carina takes her shot and completely misses. Carina soon rallies and tries again with fewer spins. While her shot is very high, it still manages to hit the roof of the caravan. Carina spins a total of 17 times, and earns second place.
  • Marko starts spinning, keeping his eyes and head locked on various things as long as possible, “the way figure skaters do”, to keep from getting too dizzy. His first shot goes wide and rolls down towards the docks. Marko runs to retrieve it and, on his return, asks David if the penalty spot can be moved. Marko places the penalty spot just in front of the open door of the caravan. While David counts down Marko’s remaining seconds, Marko quickly spins a few times and kicks the ball into the caravan, securing the bonus point. Marko spins a total of 18 times, and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • All of the contestants who fail to hit the caravan receive a participation point.