
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fill the tent with people

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is hanging from a string boundary attached to a canopy tent, located in a church car park. The brief for the task is as follows:

Fill the tent with people.

You may not leave the tent.

Most people wins.

You have 15 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Carina calls out to a few people in a notably high-pitched voice, but they ignore her. Finally, a girl walking by approaches Carina and agrees to remain in the tent. Eventually, Carina is able to get more people under the tent with her (including an old woman who declares she won’t stay long, as “if you are a pensioner, you have little time left”). In the last seconds of her attempt, a woman is able to coax the front half of her dachshund under the tent as well. In the studio, Carina describes her tone as her “I'm ashamed” voice, and that she was surprised that people were willing to stay in the tent despite Carina not having the time to fully explain what was going on. Carina gathers nine people, and comes third.
  • Nikki picks up the tent and starts walking down the street. She soon meets a couple, and they join her. A little further down the road, a few more people also join. Eventually there are enough people that Nikki stops walking with the tent and starts calling out to anyone passing by, asking the people in the tent to call out to people they recognise to further encourage participation in the task. Nikki gathers eight people, and comes fourth.
  • Henrik picks up the tent and walks out of the car park. He asks the first person he comes across where he can find a lot of people, and the person informs him there aren’t a lot of people in the direction he was headed. The person asks what Henrik is doing, and when Henrik names the show, the person walks away, declaring that Bäst i Test is “the worst programme”. Henrik soon runs into a young boy named Albert, who gets in the tent and even helps Henrik to carry it. While walking towards the metro, Henrik and Albert are joined by a commuter named Nils, and the three continue towards the station. Henrik puts the tent down just as the train is approaching, and he asks all of the disembarking passengers to stand in the tent. Unfortunately, everyone ignores his request. Henrik gathers three people, and comes last.
  • Linnéa asks two women who are passing by if they can spare 15 minutes, as she “needs to beat Markoolio”. The women reply that, since she needs to beat him, they’ll help, as they have some time before “the crayfish dinner”. A man walks by and joins, and they start to walk the tent out of the car park. When they need to walk down a fenced alley, they lift the tent above their heads. While walking, Linnéa trips and falls to the ground. It seems that the crayfish dinner is at a nearby senior centre, as that is where Linnéa and her group end up. The majority of the seniors who are outside playing bowls agree to stand under the tent. Linnéa thus gathers 27 people, and wins the task.
  • Marko picks up the tent and starts running through some wooded areas, as a shortcut to his destination: what appears to be a park. Marko informs the first person he sees that he needs to fill the tent with people. She points to a group behind him and tells him to ask them as well. Several people get under the tent, and Marko has one of the younger ones (Elias) call some other people to come join them. Apparently Elias actually works in a nearby store, as most of the store’s staff come out and join them after Elias' call. Marko gathers 20 people, and comes second.

(Source credit: Jenny R)