
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Paint and dry a picture

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The task brief is found on a small plinth in the garden of the Bäst i Test house, along with a watercolour artist's palette (with paintbrush and a small attached water glass). The brief for the task is as follows:

Paint a picture, and allow the paint to dry.

The whole board must be covered.

Fastest-dried paint wins.

You may only paint at the same time as you move on the obstacle course.

If David rings his backwards bell, you have to move backwards.

If David blows his forwards flute, you have to move forwards.

Bonus point for the most beautiful painting.

Your time starts the next time David blows his forwards flute.

Task notes

  • A canvas is also found leant against the small plinth.
  • On a larger plinth next to this, there is a large jar of water, a cow bell (David's backwards bell), and a recorder (David's forward whistle).
  • A short, circular, obstacle course has been set up for the contestants to traverse while painting, comprising a series of tyres that they must traverse, and a pig statue that they must climb over.
  • The task appears to be inspired by the 'Paint a mode of transportation while using that mode of transportation' task (i.e. painting on a carried canvas while also doing something else quite physical), and the 'Get the most ducks in Alex's basket' task (i.e. moving forwards or backwards, depending on what sound the Taskmaster's assistant makes), but is categorised here as an original task, since it is different enough from both.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henrik seems to do several laps of the obstacle course, and often comes perilously close to tripping on the tyres due to mis-stepping, as he is focused on his painting. While drying, Henrik continues to run the obstacle course. Henrik’s picture is of a man on a green background, and wins him the bonus point. Henrik takes 9 minutes 58 seconds, and comes second.
  • At one point during his painting, Marko realises that, at the sound of the backwards bell, he had just turned around and walked in the opposite direction, instead of walking backwards. While drying, Marko uses big, slow swings of the canvas. Marko’s picture appears to be an abstract pattern filling the entire canvas. Marko takes 11 minutes 18 seconds, and comes third.
  • Nikki takes the course slowly, which allows her to simply walk in place for a few rounds of the backwards/forwards changes, in the open grass sections between obstacles. While drying, Nikki stands in place and uses quick, small swings of the canvas. She also declares that she didn’t use much colour while painting, to make the whole process quicker. Nikki’s picture appears to be an abstract pattern filling the entire canvas. Nikki takes 9 minutes 55 seconds, and wins the task.
  • Linnéa has trouble holding everything while navigating the course. Her solution is to hold the brush in her mouth while she rearranges everything. During this time, Linnéa realises that she doesn’t actually have to use the brush. Instead, she turns over the palette and rubs it around the entire canvas, declaring her work to be “impressionist”. To dry her painting, Linnéa takes the canvas to the shed and uses a hairdryer to blow air across it. Linnéa takes 13 minutes 22 seconds, and comes fourth.
  • Carina has trouble holding everything while navigating the course. She also realises that she does not have to use the brush. Carina declares that she’s going through her “blue period”, and runs the blue watercolour disc over the entire canvas, wetting it as needed. While drying, Carina rubs the canvas against her clothes to remove any still-wet paint, then shakes the canvas to air-dry it. Carina takes 5 minutes 12 seconds, ostensibly winning the task. In the studio, Linnéa objects to the scoring, saying that Carina’s canvas has some empty space near the edges. Carina counters that it’s a thin layer of blue paint. Linnéa looks it over, as does Babben, who eventually declares that Carina did not cover the entire canvas, and is therefore disqualified. Linnéa looks genuinely upset by this outcome, as it appears that she was merely trying to make a joke by playing the ‘sour grapes’ contestant, but it completely backfired on her.

(Source credit: Jenny R)