
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Celebrate a football goal

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is handed to the contestants on the lawn by Paul, after he attempts to score a goal against them. The brief for the task is as follows:

Celebrate a football goal.

Most glorious goal celebration wins.

You may only take one kick.

If you miss, you must celebrate regardless.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The contestants arrive on the lawn of the Taskmaster house to find that a football goal has been set up, and that Paul is nowhere in sight.
  • As they look for him, Paul emerges from behind the caravan wearing a Chesham United FC football shirt (the English football team which is currently sponsored by Taskmaster), dribbling a football towards the goal, and attempting to score a goal against them, before performing a unique celebration.
  • Although obviously very similar to the ‘Score a goal from the greatest distance’ task, the fact that the emphasis of this task is on performing a glorious celebration, rather than scoring from the greatest distance, and that there is no disqualification for failing to score, mean that it is categorised as original here.

Task stats
