
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The most dependable thing that weighs about 1kg

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in the most dependable thing that weighs about 1kg.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Frankie brings in framed painting which his children had given him on his 50th birthday. The painting depicts him mounted on a horse, wearing a Napoleonic era military uniform, with his two children stood next to him dressed in clothing from the same era. Greg is initially impressed by his prize submission, stating that he'd like to have it in his own home. Alex later drops the bombshell that the painting weights about 2kg in its frame, and just 0.2kg out of its frame. However, Greg puts Frankie in third place.
  • Ivo brings in a four-pack of unbranded toilet roll, stating that there is a "sense of security" that comes with "bringing home a sweet four". Alex points out, though, that the average toilet roll actually weighs around 100g, not the 227g that Ivo might have seen cited on Wikipedia. Greg declines Ivo's request to switch his submission out for "a sweet nine" instead, and also points out that toilet paper is not dependable, since your fingers can go through it. He awards Ivo last place.
  • Jenny brings in 21 eggs, which Alex confirms have a combined weight of 1,022g. Although she insists that eggs are dependable, Frankie and Greg both point out that they often go off, and break easily. Greg awards her fourth place.
  • Kiell brings in a toaster. He doesn't make much of a case for it, except to say that once bread has become toast, it can never be bread again. Greg acknowledges that the toaster is dependable, but also claims that it's "one of the most boring things anyone's ever brought in" and "unforgivably dull". He puts Kiell in second place.
  • Mae brings in a full English breakfast weighing exactly 1kg (five sausages, three bacon rashers, three hash browns, beans, mushroooms, and scrambled eggs), which immediately appeals to Greg and his appetite. Kiell points out that a full English includes toast, to which Greg responds that it will also eventually be shat out (thereby also linking to Ivo's prize submission). He ultimately awards Mae first place

(Source credit: Karl Craven)