
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Drop an egg on Olli's head

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

One-by-one, you will fly in here, and simply try to poop on me.

If you hit me, you get 5 points.

And then the points are ranked based on how far away you are from the bust.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up along the back of the stage, wearing yellow chicken costumes.
  • In front of them, a rectangle of astroturf has been laid out, with the bust of Olli's head (originally brought in as a prize task submission by Henriette, in season 6) positioned right in the centre.
  • One-by-one, each contestant is rigged up on a harness, and swung across the stage, and they have to try to release their egg so it lands on Olli's golden head.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Lars goes first, and drops his egg pretty close to Olli's golden bust, but it then bounces and rolls a fair distance away. His egg ends up 2cm further away from the bust than Hani's so he earns last place.
  • Hani goes second, and drops her egg on the return swing of her flight, but it lands a fair distance away from Olli's golden bust. She earns fourth place.
  • Leo goes third, and drops his egg pretty close to Olli's golden bust, but it bounces away a short distance. Bård takes great delight in teasing the very uneasy-looking Leo about his appearance, while he remains hanging above the stage. Leo ends up earning third place.
  • Karin goes fourth, and drops the egg very close to Olli's golden bust. It does bounce slightly, and appears to actually hit the base of the bust, but remains very close to the bust when it comes to a rest. She therefore wins the task.
  • Vidar goes last, and releases his egg early. It does bounce and roll closer to Olli's golden bust, but also moves laterally, taking it slightly further away than it would otherwise have been. He ends up in second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)