
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Propel five balls into a van

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid in the centre of a large circular TM-branded red mat, in a gravel-covered area of the Taskmaster house property (presumably a car park). The brief for the task is as follows:

Bounce a ball, kick a ball, throw a ball, racket-hit a ball, and AFL-punch-pass a ball into the circling van.

You may not leave the circle, and all balls must travel through the official shooting zone.

Balls will be restocked once they have been used.

Once a type of ball or propulsion has been successful, it may not be used again.

The van will stop when you've propelled all five balls into it.

Fewest van laps wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Also on the mat, there are an exercise ball, a red tennis ball, a football, an Australian rules football, a large meatball on a plate, and a tennis racket.
  • Next to the mat, there is a red lifeguard’s chair, upon which Tom Cashman is seated.
  • Surrounding the mat and the chair, a circle has been marked out on the gravel with traffic cones, all but two of which are linked together with red tape.
  • The gap between the two unlinked cones is the ‘official shooting zone’, through which all balls must be propelled.
  • A second ring of cones is set up around the first ring.
  • A small red Mitsubishi van with yellow and orange stripes, a surfboard strapped to its roof-rack, and its side door wide open, is being driven in circles around the outer ring of cones by a professional stunt-driver.
  • The van has the word ‘TASKMASTER’ across its front, and the letters ‘TM’ in a red circle on its side, and on a circular red mat on the floor inside.
  • The license plates on the van read ‘TSK-MSTR’, with ‘YOUR TIME STARTS NOW’ printed below it, in smaller letters.
  • On the back of the van, there are two bumper stickers, stating that the vehicle slows and stops for ducks.
  • Each time the contestants bend (‘duck’) down to pick something up, the driver stops the van for a few seconds.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!