
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Convince Babben that you deserve 5 points

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

Choose four debate techniques.

You have 30 seconds to choose your debate techniques and bring them to your seats.

Your time starts on David’s signal.

Make your case to Babben why you in particular deserve 5 points.

Use a new technique per 10-second round.

The least convincing case per round is eliminated.

The last one remaining wins 5 points.

Task notes

  • This task takes place during the ‘Middle of the Show’ segment, as a game titled ‘Argumentera Mera’ (‘Argue More’, though it is translated in the fan subs as ‘The Great Debate’).
  • There is a large board set up behind the contestants’ seats on the stage, upon which there are 20 appeal techniques written on rectangular pieces of posterboard. The options include:
    • As if you just thought of it
    • Threatening and angry
    • Ask politely
    • Like Ronny and/or Ragge (a sitcom duo)
    • Without vowels
    • Self-deprecating
    • Seductively
    • Calm and pragmatic, in a Gotland accent
    • Speak while inhaling
    • In a language that isn't Swedish or English
    • With a merry tune
  • Once they’ve selected their appeal techniques, the contestants can use them in any order they wish.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!