Get something into a bucket from a chosen line

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Throw something into the buckets.
First, choose one of the coloured boxes.
Each box contains three items.
Retrieve your box and choose a starting point, then stand on it.
After that, you have three attempts to throw and hit a bucket.
You may change buckets between attempts, but not your starting point.
If you hit David or Babben, you’re disqualified.
Most points after three throws wins.

Task notes
- The contestants are lined up side-by-side on the raised part of the stage.
- Also on the raised part of the stage, there are three circular black marker spots, labelled ‘x3’, ‘x2’, and ‘x1’ (indicating the multiplier applied to any points scored from each spot), and five cardboard boxes with different coloured Bäst i Test logos printed on them.
- The box with a blue logo contains three hotdogs.
- The box with the red logo contains three pineapples.
- The box with the orange logo contains three small watermelons.
- The box with the yellow logo contains three iced ring doughnuts.
- The box with the green logo contains three raw eggs.
- Spaced out along the curved edge of the lower part of the stage, there are a four metal buckets, each labelled according to the number of points a direct hit is worth (4 points for the closest, then 13 points, 24 points, and 35 points for the furthest away).
- David is seated on a chair on a platform near to his desk, wearing a smock, safety goggles, and a helmet, and holding a fifth bucket on his lap. This bucket is worth 112 points.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!