Follow David’s instructions

Task types:

Task briefs
The task brief is presented on the table in the caravan. The briefs for the task are as follows:
Follow David’s instructions.
You can ask David to stop, or start over from the beginning.
You have 30 minutes.
Your time starts now.
Read out by David over the radio, one letter at a time, using the Swedish Armed Forces’ radio alphabet:
Construct a paper aeroplane and take it to the balcony.
Crumple it up and throw it in the bin.
Fastest loses.

Task notes
- Also on the table in the caravan, there are several sheets of paper, a pen, and a walkie talkie.
- David is sat at an officious-looking desk with various wartime props on the house’s balcony, with his own walkie talkie, and wearing a pith helmet.
- David delivers his instructions using the Swedish Armed Forces radio alphabet, which consists entirely of two-syllable male names.
- On the driveway beneath the balcony, there is an oil drum, which is referred to as the bin.
Task stats


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