Draw an object on a rotating canvas

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Draw your assigned object on the board.
While you draw, you must not talk, gesticulate, or in any way communicate with your team.
You must stand on the mat while you draw.
You may not touch or move the boards or the easel.
The team that first guesses correctly in each round gets a point.

Task notes
- Guest judge Jonas Erikkson returns to the stage during this task to become the third member of Alfred and Jan’s team.
- The contestants are stood on stage in their teams, either side of a turntable upon which two drawing boards have been set up on back-to-back easels.
- The contestants’ names are written on their respective boards, to decrease confusion during the task.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!