
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Break something and put it back together

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Split something into as many parts as possible and then repair it.

You have three minutes to split your item, and seven minutes to repair it.

Best repaired thing, split into the most parts, wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Anders decides he wants to “destroy” a child’s bike. When Anders learns that the child’s bike is in fact Mark's, he is even more excited to do so. He only ends up bending and removing its front wheel before his destroying time is over. He gets the wheel back onto the bike, but is unable to replace the metal wheel protector; instead, he decides to bend the wheel protector from the back wheel. Anders comes third.
  • Jakob pulls down a curtain and finds some scissors with which to cut it up. However, at the last minute, he decides that he’d rather cut up Mark’s shirt. Jakob has fun cutting Mark’s shirt into 12 different parts. He then glues the strips of fabric directly back onto Mark’s chest and arms, and even adds a small one to Mark’s forehead for good measure. Jakob comes fourth.
  • Annika finds a throw pillow, and starts to tear out the inside stuffing, spreading it all around the room (Mark later declares that there were 200 separate pieces of stuffing). She then enlists Mark to help her gather up all of the stuffing. She shoves all of the stuffing back into the pillow and sews it back up; however, the pillow is now obviously misshapen. Annika comes first.
  • Neel finds a Pin Art / Pinscreen toy, and declares that it is the item she wants to break and repair. She uses an axe to break the plastic barrier, and tips all of the nails out of the casing – between the nails and the plastic, a total of 1,940 parts to be repaired. She enlists Mark to help her put the individual nails back into the frame. Neel comes second.
  • Mahamad goes into the task with a good plan; however, he loses control of it. Mahamad decides to break a vase, but before doing so, he draws a grid on it and assigns each part a number, so he can have an easier time putting the vase back together. There are two problems with this plan – Mahamad is not good at puzzles (as evidenced in Episode 6’s 'Complete the seven tasks' task), and Mahamad simply drops the vase to break it, creating broken pieces that don’t have an immediately obvious grid part. He eventually gives up on the reconstruction. Mahamad comes last.

(Source credit: Jenny R)