
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Transport something you can lift as far as possible

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The task brief is received in the study, where Olli is using books as hand weights. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Find something you can lift.

You have 3.5 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Transport what you've chosen as far as you can in 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin decides to lift Olli, who weighs 89kg. She is able to lift him for a few seconds, and seems very pleased with herself, until she receives the second task brief. To help transport Olli, she fetches a shopping trolley from the garage, and puts him in it (she literally has to lift him in, as he refuses to get in himself). She manages to drag the heavy trolley out of the house and down the steps, despite the small wooden ramp she is trying to use apparently not helping much. She then wheels him off down the driveway at a jog, and then up a hill, and into what looks like a nearby college or university campus. By the time her 10 minutes are over, she is thoroughly exhausted. In the studio, Olli reveals that she managed to transport him 365.3 metres in total, placing last.
  • Leo immediately grabs the small wooden gavel that's on the desk in front of him, and lifts that. He walks out of the house, and out onto the road, to try to flag down a car to drive him far away. Eventually, the driver of a Porsche stops for him, and does drive him for a few minutes, but then has to stop because he is going to visit his daughter. In total, Leo manages to transport the gavel 2.2 kilometres, placing third.
  • Hani chooses to lift a globe with a light inside that she finds in the study. She quickly decides to use a car to help transport it as far away as possible, and gets out onto the highway, managing to transport the globe a total of 6 kilometres, and winning the task.
  • Vidar goes all-in, deciding to lift an entire sofa on his back. He then manages to carry the sofa that way for a surprising distance, down the driveway, and up a hill, before becoming exhausted. While standing on the road with the sofa still on his back, he eventually realises that he could have transported it by car. His attempt ends with both he and Olli laughing hysterically about his poor decisions. In the studio, after he complains about how uncomfortable it was to carry on his back, Bård points out that they're not really designed to be carried that way. Despite his bad decisions and pain, he still manages to beat Karin, travelling an impressive 538.7 metres, and earning fourth place.
  • Lars pulls a very small leaf off of a nearby plant and lifts that. He is extremely pleased with himself, after opening the second task brief, remarking that he has been "brilliant", and thus coining the episode title (note: he also makes two further references to how brilliant he has been during the task). He finds a bicycle in the garage, and uses that to transport the leaf away from the house. Having reached a more populated area, he finds a taxi to drive him even further away. In total, he manages to transport the leaf 3.9 kilometres, placing second.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)