
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Enter and leave the caravan exactly on time

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The task brief is found on a table outside of the caravan, where David is sat waiting. The brief for the task is as follows:

Enter the caravan in exactly six minutes.

Leave the caravan in exactly twelve minutes.

You may not use any time measuring devices.

The one who enters and leaves closest to the specified times wins.

Bonus points to the one in the caravan who can imitate the most animals which David correctly guesses.

You have fifteen minutes.

Your time began when you sat down.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henrik wonders what songs are six minutes long. He and David start singing Bohemian Rhapsody, with David alternating between falsetto and a low voice. As Henrik performs the guitar solo, David (sarcastically) declares that he and Henrik’s voices just meld together, much like Simon and Garfunkel or First Aid Kit (a female Swedish folk duo). Henrik enters the caravan at 4 minutes 4 seconds. After imitating a few animals, Henrik and David start singing Bohemian Rhapsody again, and Henrik times his exit for when the instrumental breakdown begins, exiting the caravan at 7 minutes 54 seconds. With a difference of 6 minutes 2 seconds, Henrik earns last place.
  • Marko and David chat while sitting outside on the chairs. David keeps saying things involving numbers to try to throw off Marko’s counting, and Marko even joins in on the game by responding with numbers of his own (like declaring that the best age in Finland is 26). Marko enters the caravan at 7 minutes 18 seconds. After doing some animal impersonations, Marko exits the caravan at 14 minutes 6 seconds. With a difference of 3 minutes 34 seconds, Marko earns third place.
  • Linnéa is the only contestant who does not sit in the chair to read the task, as she admits she has broken two chairs in the past. However, she does not seem to take advantage of the fact that the clock has not yet started, in order to make a plan, awkwardly sitting down to start the time. To pass the time, Linnéa starts to impersonate animals. She enters the caravan at 3 minutes 53 seconds. She seemingly realises that the animal impressions needed to be done in the caravan, as she repeats most of the sounds she made with David while outside. Linnéa exits the caravan at 9 minutes 4 seconds, and takes the chair with her when she leaves. With a difference of 5 minutes 3 seconds, Linnéa earns fourth place.
  • Immediately after reading the task, Nikki declares that “minutes are much slower than you think”. To pass the time, she starts to impersonate animals. Nikki enters the trailer at 6 minutes 31 seconds. While in the trailer, she rereads the task and realises that none of her animal impressions counted towards the bonus point on offer, as they took place outside of the caravan. Her laughter is a hindrance to her impressions, but she wisely just announces what each noise is intended to be, allowing David to correctly guess what she’s mimicking every time. This allows her to win the bonus point. Nikki exits the caravan at 12 minutes 44 seconds. With a difference of 1 minute 15 seconds, she earns second place.
  • Janne tells David that the length of six minutes is very different during overtime in a football game, depending on if one is on the team which is currently winning or losing. Janne stands up to enter the caravan at 4 minutes 25, but hesitates and says it feels too early. He actually enters the caravan at 6 minutes 9 seconds. Once inside, he remains silent, so David asks if there will be any animal noises. Janne responds that he knows he won’t win the bonus point, so he is clearly intent on getting the time right instead. David then starts making animal noises for Janne to guess, instead. David also tells Janne that a good strategy might have been to recreate the conversation the two had outside, in order to estimate how long he needs to stay in the caravan. Janne exits the caravan at 12 minutes 1 second. With a difference of just 10 seconds, he wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)