
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Write a modern poem about another contestant

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

Write down three adjectives to describe the fruit that Pilvi will show you.

If you use the same adjective as someone else, you lose one point.

You have 30 seconds.

Your time starts on the Taskmaster’s signal.

Write a modern poem about the contestant next to you.

The poem must be three lines long and have no end rhymes.

In the poem, you must use the three adjectives that you just used to describe the fruit.

Most impressive poem wins.

You have 45 seconds.

Your time starts on the Taskmaster’s signal.

Task notes

  • After the first task brief has been read, Pilvi presents a dragon fruit for the contestants to describe.
  • Although the task specifically forbids rhyming in the poem, that does not seem to be fully taken into account during the scoring.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Kalle’s adjectives are ‘fun’, ‘cheerful’, and ‘tymäkkä’ (an untranslatable word used to describe something that is so strong and present – in this case, the smell/taste of the fruit – that you’ve yet to decide if it is unpleasant or not). Despite being forbidden by the task, Kalle’s poem about Jukka rhymes in the original Finnish. The translated poem is “Jukka Rasila, a strong and tymäkkä man. / A cheerful chap, as everyone knew. / He’s also funny, like when he’s sweaty.” Kalle comes joint third.
  • Jukka’s adjectives are ‘ornate’, ‘lovely’, and ‘crystal-clear’. Jukka writes a poem about Eija. The translated poem is “An ornate soul. / Lovely as a person. / Crystal-clear in intellect.” Jukka comes joint second.
  • Eija’s adjectives are ‘colourful’, ‘mysterious’, and ‘relaxed’. Eija writes a poem about Fathi. The translated poem is “Fathi, you colourful harbour. / Your mysterious gaze enchants. / In the light of the full moon, you're so relaxed.” Eija comes joint second.
  • Fathi’s adjectives are ‘complex’, ‘sexual’, and ‘authoritative’. Fathi writes a rap about Pirjo, with an assist from Kalle’s beatboxing. Despite being forbidden by the task, Fathi’s poem rhymes in the original Finnish. The translated poem is “The most complex of the lasses on Siskonpeti. [‘Pyjama Party’; a female sketch comedy show on which Pirjo is a cast member] / The most authoritative one of the gang. / Pirjo, my most sexual friend.” Fathi wins the task.
  • Pirjo’s adjectives are ‘leafy’, ‘holey’, and ‘vagina-filled’. Pirjo writes a poem about Kalle. Despite being forbidden by the task, Pirjo’s poem rhymes in the original Finnish. Her poem is somewhat difficult to translate to English, due to the way Finnish grammar works and, unlike with Kalle’s single untranslatable word, multiple technical explanations would be needed here to explain how the poem makes sense in both Finnish and English. The closest English translation of her poem is as follows: “Kalle’s mother is a vagina woman. / That’s why the leafy bundle Kalle was born. / And his mind is holey but wonderfully playful.” Pirjo comes joint third.

(Source credit: Jenny R)