
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Guess Shoe

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The task brief is found on a plinth inside the barn, in the aisle between several rows of chairs. The briefs for the task are as follows:

To Måns:

Find the shoe that David is thinking of, and place it on the pedestal.

No other shoes may be visible when you place the shoe David’s thinking of on the pedestal.

David will only answer yes or no to your questions.

You must say 'I have to find the shoe' every time David answers a question.

The fastest one to find the shoe David’s thinking of, and place it on that pedestal, wins.

Your time starts now.

To Nikki:

Find the shoe that David is thinking of, and place it on the pedestal.

No other shoes may be visible when you place the shoe David’s thinking of on the pedestal.

David will only answer yes or no to your questions.

You must say 'Really? You promise?' every time David answers a question.

The fastest one to find the shoe David’s thinking of, and place it on that pedestal, wins.

Your time starts now.

To Linnéa:

Find the shoe that David is thinking of, and place it on the pedestal.

No other shoes may be visible when you place the shoe David’s thinking of on the pedestal.

David will only answer yes or no to your questions.

You must say 'Ugh, I get it, David!' every time David answers a question.

The fastest one to find the shoe David’s thinking of, and place it on that pedestal, wins.

Your time starts now.

To Marko:

Find the shoe that David is thinking of, and place it on the pedestal.

No other shoes may be visible when you place the shoe David’s thinking of on the pedestal.

David will only answer yes or no to your questions.

You must get more and more frustrated every time David answers a question.

The fastest one to find the shoe David’s thinking of, and place it on that pedestal, wins.

Your time starts now.

To Henrik:

Find the shoe that David is thinking of, and place it on the pedestal.

No other shoes may be visible when you place the shoe David’s thinking of on the pedestal.

David will only answer yes or no to your questions.

You must laugh like a maniac every time David answers a question.

The fastest one to find the shoe David’s thinking of, and place it on that pedestal, wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The barn is filled with shoes, which are both laid on the chairs, and hanging from the rafters.
  • There are also some additional plinths in the room, which are apparently included just to confuse the contestants about where the target shoe must be presented.
  • David is thinking of a right ballet flat shoe.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linnéa is tasked with replying “Ugh, I get it, David.” every time David gives an answer. She sources a large bag from somewhere, within which she intends to store any rejected shoes, reasoning that they will then not be visible. She then starts her process by just throwing all of the shoes into the bag, completely neglecting to figure out if any of them are the ones that David has in mind. She generally just seems incredibly annoyed by the entire task – this may be because she had recently cleaned out her own basement (which she mentions, while bagging up the shoes), and this task reminded her of that. After David asks Linnéa if she’s actually understood the task, she replies that she does, and points out that no other shoes can be visible when she presents the shoe on the pedestal. At no point does she seem to realise that she can identify the correct shoe before even placing it on the pedestal. Eventually, though, she somehow figures it out, and displays the correct shoe on the pedestal. Realising that her time is still running, she then removes David’s shoes, and throws them quite far out of the barn, after which her time is stopped. Linnéa takes 14 minutes and 33 seconds, and earns fourth place.
  • Marko is tasked with getting ‘increasingly frustrated’ every time David gives him an answer. His strategy is to just go pair by pair, asking if each is the one David has in mind. When David declines, Marko throws each pair of shoes out of the barn, with increasing force, eventually moving on to screaming while he does so. At no point does Marko alter his method, but he eventually does find the correct pair of shoes, and then narrows it down to the right shoe. When David does not stop the timer, Marko re-reads the task, focusing on the line about no other shoes being visible, and immediately takes off his own shoes, throwing them outside of the barn. When David still does not stop the timer, Marko throws the selected ballet flat out of the barn as well. As the time keeps running, Marko yells that he doesn’t know what else he is supposed to do. He retrieves the ballet flat and puts it back on the pedestal. Realising that David is still wearing shoes, he removes them and then throws them out of the barn, too. Marko takes 10 minutes and 38 seconds, and earns second place.
  • Nikki is tasked with replying “Really? You promise?” every time David gives an answer. She is methodical with her questions, ruling out types and colours of shoes, instead of asking about individual pairs. By using this method, she is able to quickly narrow her search down to ballet flat shoes. She clears the rest of the shoes away, and places a pair of such shoes on the pedestal, asking David if she has displayed the correct ones. When David hesitates, she realises that the task dictates that she is looking for a single shoe, and so narrows her choice down to the right one. After David asks if any other shoes are visible, Nikki says that the only shoes left are the ones that she and David are wearing. She says that they don’t count, though, as they weren’t part of the “decorative shoes”. Still, she eventually removes both her own and David’s shoes, and her time is stopped. She completes the task in 12 minutes and 35 seconds, and earns third place.
  • Henrik is tasked with laughing maniacally every time David gives an answer. He first asks if one of the pairs of shoes already on a pedestal is correct. He then asks if David is thinking of women’s shoes. He then walks right up to the correct pair of shoes and asks if they are the pair about which David is thinking. Excited that he has found the shoes so early, Henrik quickly cleans up the rest of the shoes, throwing them all into a corner of the barn and blocking them from view with some of the furniture. Before displaying the correct shoes, Henrik removes both David’s shoes and his own, adding them to the hidden shoe pile. He initially displays the ballet flat shoes on the wrong pedestal, before correcting his mistake. When his time continues running, he looks around for any other shoes he might have missed, before realising that that he needs to narrow his choice down to a singular shoe. He quickly does so, and puts the other shoe in the pile of hidden shoes. Henrik completes the task in 6 minutes and 55 seconds, and earns first place.
  • Måns is tasked with saying “I have to find the shoe.” Every time David gives an answer. However, Måns messes this up, saying the line immediately after asking each question, rather than after David’s answer. Måns initially divides the room into quadrants, in order to narrow down the location of the shoe. He actually identifies and displays the correct shoe in footage which is not shown. In an attempt save time with the process of hiding all of the other shoes, Måns picks up a large umbrella, opens it, and places it directly in front of David to obscure his view. David replies that the shoes must not be visible to the cameras, not necessarily just himself, and so Måns proceeds to attempt to cover up all of the cameras in the barn. He even pulls down cameras which have been mounted on the ceiling. However, he manages to overlook just one, and so is disqualified from the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • The points in this task were counted in the totals for episode 1 of the season, but the task was shown in the bonus episode.