
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Create a dreadful ASMR experience for Pilvi

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid on one end of a table in the side room of the mansion, and Pilvi is sat at the other end of the table. The brief for the task is as follows:

Create a dreadful ASMR experience for Pilvi.

The most dreadful ASMR experience wins.

You have 10 minutes to prepare, after which you will create the ASMR experience for Pilvi.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Also on the table are a pair of headphones, and a professional microphone of the type commonly used by podcasters and streamers.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Fathi wonders aloud if it would be considered too cruel to lock Pilvi’s dog Humppa away, as part of the dreadful experience. He starts to talk himself out of the idea, correctly acknowledging that Humppa is “too adorable”. He tells Pilvi that he is going to quickly “run to the sauna”, referencing a Finnish idiom similar to the English “the dog has gone to live on a farm”, and therefore implying that he really is going to go do something to Humppa. Fathi then stands just outside the mansion and explains to the camera that he has no intention of harming Humppa, but that he intends to use the sounds of distressed dogs, which he has found on the internet, to make Pilvi believe that he has. Fathi’s ASMR experience largely consists of him talking to Pilvi from Humppa’s point of view, asking why she is always “so busy” and “away from home”, and why she has “abandoned him”. These questions are punctuated by the sounds of a small dog whimpering and whining, which Fathi is playing on his phone. In the studio, everyone – including Fathi – agrees that his approach was sickening, but effective. He earns third place.
  • Kalle searches the kitchen for inspiration, muttering about how he always avoids ASMR videos, as they're always full of strange things like “brushing a teddy bear’s ass”. After experimenting with a few things in the kitchen, Kalle is particularly delighted by the sounds made when he blows bubbles in a short glass of what appears to be some sort of cooking oil. For his presentation, Kalle informs Pilvi that every sound she is about to hear has been made using only his naked body. He uses his fingers to flutter his cheeks to create an odd slurping noise, as well as the noise from his bubble blowing, which he’d discovered earlier in the kitchen. The performance ends with a burp, and a confession that he’s glad Pilvi cannot see what is taking place behind her. In the studio, Pilvi admits that she found Kalle’s performance “creepy”, at least at the beginning. Kalle earns joint fourth place.
  • Pirjo realises that a dreadful ASMR experience would likely include an irritating voice, and so tries a few out on Pilvi, to see what might annoy her. Pirjo then searches the kitchen for interesting sounds to use in her presentation. Pirjo’s ASMR experience generally consists of her whispering statements of affirmation to Pilvi, such as “you are worth loving” and “you are safe”. She punctuates the silence in between with various noises, such as a tape measure sliding in and out of its casing, squelching her wet hands together, and squeezing ketchup out of a half-empty bottle. In the studio, Pirjo admits that she initially she found Pirjo’s performance more empowering than distressing but that, near the end, she did find it quite distressing, as she felt it started to give off “stalker vibes”. Pirjo earns joint fourth place.
  • Miska asks Pilvi about what she finds scary, including asking if she finds him particularly frightening. After failing to startle Pilvi multiple times, Miska heads to the shed for supplies. For his experience, Miska ties a makeshift blindfold around Pilvi’s eyes (though it falls off partway through his performance), while he is dressed in an apron, goggles, and rubber gloves. He tells a story about Pilvi driving home from work one evening, and coming across a cabin in the middle of nowhere, which she decides to explore. A homicidal monster lives in the cabin, and has its sights set on Pilvi. Miska punctuates his story with excellent props – chains for the monster, a hairdryer to simulate the sound of the monster’s chainsaw, and drops of water flicked against Pilvi’s neck to simulate blood spatter from one of its victims. In the studio, Pilvi acknowledges that she found Miska’s experience to be the “most diverse” of all five contestants’ performances. Miska wins the task.
  • Eija first uses her phone to find out what ASMR is, as she has no idea. She describes her performance as “a journey to terrifying therapy”, and is the only contestant out of the five to physically touch Pilvi to make the experience more unpleasant. Eija uses a raspy voice and slow sweeps of her hands and nails up and down Pilvi’s arms and back, as she describes the feeling of Pilvi’s body itching all over due to being covered in deer keds and biting ants. To make the whole thing even more dreadful, Eija informs Pilvi that her dog has eaten chocolate. At the end of her ‘therapy’, however, Eija is careful to tell Pilvi that the deer keds were in fact all just a figment of Pilvi’s imagination. In the studio, Pilvi admits that, while she was surprised by Eija’s holistic approach to the task, she did end up being creeped out by it, as well as frightened by just how loud Eija’s booming, roaring voice was in the headphones. Eija earns second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)