Push a watermelon up a slide using breadsticks

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is balanced on top of a watermelon, at the bottom of a child’s slide, outside Antoine’s cabin. The brief for the task is as follows:
Push the melon up the slide and into the cabin with breadsticks.
Only breadsticks may touch the melon at any point.
You may not adjust the slide.
Fastest wins.

Task notes
- The top of the child’s slide connects to the top of a second identical slide, the end of which leads directly to the doorway of Antoine’s cabin.
- Just for fun, a set of toy bowling pins have been set up at the end of the second slide, ready for the watermelon to knock them over.
- The word used for ‘breadsticks’ in the task brief is ‘grissini’, which is the original Italian name for a type of thin breadsticks. This specific type of breadstick was probably chosen because the French word for ‘slide’ is ‘glisser’, and the two words sound somewhat similar.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Notes on task scores
- After Richardson makes his “Make Me a Breadstick” pun in the studio, and before any of the task attempts are shown, Alex says that he’ll give what he assumes will be his single point for this task to Richardson. After the scores are awarded, Antoine does indeed deduct a point from Alex’s score and award it to Richardson, though he claims they “found it from another episode”.