Pack pappa’s duffel bag

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is laid on the table in the lab. The brief for the task is as follows:
Pack pappa’s duffel bag.
All 15 items must be packed in pappa’s duffel bag.
Every time you pack something, you must say ‘Time to pack pappa’s duffel bag with a…’ and then the item’s name.
If you say it wrong, you must empty pappa’s duffel bag and start over from the beginning.
When you have packed all 15 items and closed pappa’s duffel bag, you must say ‘Now I have finally packed pappa’s duffel bag!’.
The one who packs pappa’s duffel bag fastest wins.
Your time started when you correctly said ‘pack pappa’s duffel bag’ for the first time today.

Task notes
- Also on the table, there is a large leather duffel bag with a zip, and a variety of items which must be packed into the bag, including: a rotary telephone, a novelty-sized deck of playing cards, a frisbee, a bowling ball, a basketball, a water polo helmet, a mannequin arm, a shoe, a walkie-talkie, a large plastic apple, a bread box, a tutu, a set of bocce balls, a small umbrella, and a pair of handcuffs.
- This task is inspired by a Swedish tongue-twister ‘Packa pappas kappsäck’ (‘Pack dad’s duffel bag’).
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!