
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw something into a pedal bin

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Throw something into the pedal bin from the longest distance.

The lid of the bin must be closed when you throw your thing.

The thing thrown from the farthest distance wins.

Mark may not open the lid for you.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Annika decides that she can build distance by continually throwing something between herself and Mark before depositing the item in the bin. She and Mark throw a football back and forth, achieving a 246-throw rally before Annika’s throw falls short and Mark fails to catch the ball. She starts a much shorter rally with Mark, and throws the football into the bin just before her time runs out. Lasse rejects Annika’s logic, leaving her with a successful throw of only 40cm. Annika comes third in the task.
  • Anders ties a rope to the bin’s pedal and places the bin on the patio while he stands in the yard. His theory is that yanking the rope down will pull the pedal down to open the bin; in reality, all it does is pull the bin off of the patio and onto the yard. Still, he tries this method several more times, altering the force with which he pulls the rope, which results in either pulling the pedal bin down into the yard or breaking the rope off of the pedal. At one point, Anders actually whacks himself in the face with the rope when he pulls it from the pedal bin. Finally deciding to just have one successful throw, Anders sources a wooden plank from the shed and uses it to push the pedal bin open as he tosses a tennis ball into it. Anders' manages a successful throw of 142cm, and comes second in the task.
  • Mahamad accidentally breaks the hinge that connects the lid to the rest of the pedal bin, leaving the pedal bin perpetually open (even though the pedal is not pressed down). He sources a large umbrella from somewhere, cuts a hole in it, and places it upside down in the pedal bin, creating a crude funnel. He throws a tennis ball into the umbrella from across the yard; unfortunately, it stays in the umbrella and does not enter the bin. He tips the umbrella to send the tennis ball into the bin. Mahamad re-reads the task, and realises that he completely forgot that the lid needed to be closed when the tennis ball was thrown. Mahamad is disqualified.
  • Neel decides to interpret the task very literally. She throws a helmet while the bin is closed. She then uses a rock to keep the bin open. She then climbs to the balcony of the house and drops (notably not throwing) a fruit into the open bin. Neel is disqualified.
  • Jakob looks over the bin, and notices that the bottom of the bin is screwed on. He grabs a drill from the shed and removes the bottom of the bin. He fills a wheelbarrow full of balls and heads to an open area with both Mark and the bin. He instructs Mark to hold the bin upside down, making sure the lid is closed, and to catch the balls that Jakob throws. After every successful catch, Mark is instructed to back up more. Jakob’s longest successful throw is 4,340cm. Jakob wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)