
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Find the item that makes the sound

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the living room, where it is balanced on top of a circular red button, on top of a wooden plinth. The brief for the task is as follows:

What makes the sound when you press the button?

The task is over when you give Olli the item that makes the sound.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Scattered around the garden are a variety of items to distract the contestants from the actual source of the sound, which is a garden ornament of a gnome sat on the bonnet of a pick-up truck.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Recognising that the button itself is not in the best location for being able to hear the sound it causes, Martha tries to move the plinth it is on, and discovers that it is firmly attached to the commode on which it stands. She slides the entire assembly out onto the back porch, and leaves it there for the rest of the task. She runs back and forth between the button and the items scattered across the lawn, looking for the item making the sound, but eventually loses her patience and just starts kicking things over in her frustration. She eventually decides that the button itself is the thing making a sound, as it makes a thumping noise when she hits it. After giving her answer, she tears the task brief up. Her total time was 12 minutes and 16 seconds but, since she did not identify the correct item, she is placed last.
  • Recognising that the button itself is not in the best location for being able to hear the sound it causes, Henriette has Olli help her move it outside onto the back porch, and then down the steps and into the garden itself, amongst all of the items scattered around there. She eventually has Olli help her move it to right next to where the gnome is located, but does not identify that it is the source of the sound for some time. When she does finally figure it out, she gives it to Olli, then gives the gnome a hug. Her total time was 9 minutes and 35 seconds, earning her third place.
  • Recognising that the button itself is not in the best location for being able to hear the sound it causes, Kristoffer begins collecting items from around the garden and bringing them into the living room, where he hits the button to see if any of them are making a sound. During one of these trips, he brings in the gnome, and then quickly identifies that it is the source of the sound. His total time was 7 minutes and 11 seconds, earning him second place.
  • Recognising that the button itself is not in the best location for being able to hear the sound it causes, Live begins collecting items from around the garden and bringing them into the living room, where she hits the button to see if any of them are making a sound. After several trips, she is clearly getting tired and frustrated with the process, and pours a bin full of balls over Olli in protest. She then asks Olli to mimic the sound she is looking for, and he makes a noise which sounds something like a duck's quack, which then leads her on a train of thought that ends with her asking if she needs to catch a bird (thus coining the episode title). She wanders around the garden for some time, presumably trying to deduce where the sound could be coming from without actually listening for it, and then resumes carrying items inside and hitting the button. She eventually identifies the gnome as the source of the sound, and hands it over to Olli, clearly very glad that the whole ordeal is over. Her total time was 29 minutes and 32 seconds, earning her fourth place.
  • Recognising that the button itself is not in the best location for being able to hear the sound it causes, Espen initially tries to persuade Olli to hit the button for him, while he runs around looking for the item responsible. However, after Olli proves to be unhelpful in this regard, Espen instead uses a child's rocking horse to hold the button down. He does lose some time initially, by checking around inside the house for the sound, but eventually finds his way out into the garden and then pretty quickly zeroes in on the gnome. His total time was 6 minutes and 54 seconds, earning him first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)