
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Recreate the most powerful photo from your phone

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The first task brief is presented on the table in the caravan. The second task brief is found in the caravan’s fridge. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Share the most powerful image in your phone.

You have five minutes.

Your time starts now.

Recreate the image.

Most correctly recreated image wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Upon reading the task, Marko declares that he knows exactly which image on his phone is the most powerful. He presents a picture he took on a fishing trip in Greenland, when he reeled in a giant 18kg spotted catfish. To recreate the picture, Marko attempts to catch a fish from the dock. After a few false starts, he actually manages to catch one. Marko’s recreation isn’t bad – and he even uses a fez and some red paper on his hat to recreate the red hat he wore in the picture – but the perch he caught for the recreation is comedically smaller than the fish in the original photo. Babben awards Marko second place.
  • Henrik wonders what David considers ‘powerful’. After scrolling through his phone for a bit, Henrik decides to submit a picture of his own mother. However, he changes his mind, and instead shows David a picture of himself lounging near what appears to be a cargo ship, wearing a long red-haired wig. In the studio, Henrik explains that it’s an old promotional photo. He recreates his photo in front of the Bäst i Test house, wearing a short curly-haired wig that he has spray-painted red. Babben awards Henrik fourth place.
  • While Nikki looks through her phone, David asks if she’s ever been skydiving, and says that pictures from such an experience would be powerful. Nikki decides to submit a picture of herself on a private jet (specifically, Enrique Iglesias’ private jet). She attempts to turn the caravan into a private jet – removing the table, and using a toilet seat and a picture of some clouds to recreate the aeroplane’s window. Babben awards Nikki first place.
  • Edvin scrolls through his phone and informs David that he has 55,000 pictures on it. From what little we see of his phone, there are a lot of selfies. He finally shows David a picture of himself with Lady Gaga. David touches the picture to zoom out, revealing that it was a large group photo instead of the intimate one-on-one experience Edvin was trying to present. Edvin’s recreation casts David as Lady Gaga, with a mannequin, a mannequin head, and a large teddy bear appearing as the other people in the picture. Babben awards Edvin last place.
  • Linnéa shows David a picture of when Marie Mandelmann (a farmer and reality TV star with a distinctive hairstyle) styled Linnéa’s hair to look like her own. Linnéa recreates the picture at the shed, casting David as Marie Mandelmann (complete with something beige taped over his lip, to hide his moustache). Babben awards Linnéa third place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)