
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Recreate the coolest photo from your phone

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The task brief is laid on one end of a table in a room of the mansion. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Show the coolest picture from your phone.

You have two minutes.

Your time starts now.

Make a recreation of the picture that you just showed.

Most accurate recreation wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Pilvi is sat in a chair on the other end of the table.
  • The task brief uses the word ‘toisinto’ (meaning ‘repeat’ or ‘duplicate’), which confuses some of the contestants, since that word is old-fashioned and has generally fallen out of use in favour of words like ‘kopio’ (‘copy’).

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Pirjo’s picture is of the cast of Siskonpeti (‘Pyjama Party’, Pirjo’s all-female sketch comedy show), made up to resemble old women. Since her photo has three other women in it, she asks for three volunteers from the production crew. The three volunteers then pick which woman they want to represent in the recreation. Pirjo dresses them all in loud costume jackets, and applies a thick and uneven layer of white powder on each of their faces, to represent the age make-up present in the original photo. Pirjo’s recreation is helped a lot by the female crew members quite accurately replicating the facial expressions that the women in the original photograph were making. She earns joint third place.
  • Kalle’s picture is of himself sitting with a friend at a table during a party. His justification for the photo being the coolest is that, to Kalle, it’s the only good photo of himself ever taken. Kalle’s companion in the photo is a bald man, so he searches the production crew for someone bald to appear in his recreation. He also casts Pilvi as a third man sitting in the background of the picture. Kalle’s recreation is definitely a low-rent version, but mostly accurate, and he earns joint third place.
  • Eija’s picture is of her dog sniffing at a rock, while on a walk. The picture was likely taken to document the beautiful background scenery, which features a body of water surrounded by conifer trees. Eija casts Pilvi as the conifer which is present in the foreground of the corner of the picture. She casts herself as her dog, which she represents by attaching a furry hat to her rear end. Jaakko points out that Eija’s picture looks more like some kind of strange yoga class, than a recreation of the original photograph. Eija earns fourth place, and Jaakko points out that she would have earned joint third place, along with Kalle and Pirjo, had she bothered to just step outside for her recreation of the scenic photograph.
  • Fathi’s picture is of himself as a younger man, sporting a full afro and wearing a cowboy hat, and blowing out cigarette smoke. He uses a fluffy yellow jacket to recreate his afro, noting that he’s aged significantly in the time between when the photo was taken and the present. He is particularly choosy about the photo that will be used to represent his recreation in the studio, insisting that the photographer keep taking more shots. The other contestants agree that, while both photographs are cool, Fathi does not look particularly like his younger self. Still, Fathi earns second place.
  • While looking for photos on her phone, Susani realises that the photo does not need to already be on her phone in order to fulfil the task brief – it just needs to be on the phone by the time she presents her choice. She has Pilvi squat on a chair, underneath a portrait of Jaakko, instructing her to pretend to be disobedient. Susani shoots several pictures of Pilvi on her phone. Jaakko notes that the selected photo would make an excellent rap album cover, should Pilvi ever decide to switch careers. When required to recreate the photograph, Susani simply does another photo shoot with Pilvi, taking great care in recreating Pilvi’s facial expression. The two pictures are obviously quite similar, albeit taken from a slightly different angle. Susani wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)