
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make all the things happen at the same time

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on the table in the lab, alongside a marble run course, a Newton’s cradle, a fidget spinner, an hourglass, a solid rubber ball, a spinning top, and a dinosaur head stick puppet with a button which can be pressed to make it roar. The brief for the task is as follows:

Get all the following things to happen at the same time.

The marble must be rolling, the spinning top must be spinning, the Newton’s cradle must be in action, the sand must be flowing, the ball must be bouncing, the fidget spinner must be spinning, and the dinosaur must be speaking.

Clap when you think you’ve finished.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Kalle tries out most of the objects to see how long they take to do their thing. He starts out strongly, identifying which objects can run the longest, but his attempts are ruined by the spinning top bumping into things. He is also tripped up by the starting area of the marble run course sticking and trapping the marble. After a few false starts, Kalle is eventually successful, though his run does not go as planned, as the ball hits the Newton’s cradle and rolls off of the table. Kalle completes the task as written in 1 minute and 53 seconds, and earns first place.
  • Fathi looks over the objects and tries out the spinning top to see how long it spins. When he has difficulty keeping the top upright, he claims that it’s because he didn’t have “such Western toys” during his childhood. After several tries, he finally manages to keep the top upright. The next footage we see is of Fathi’s successful run. However, as his last action, he places the ball down so that it rolls, then he claps, then he picks up and drops the ball so that it bounces, but he does not clap again. Fathi kind of completes the task in just 1 minute and 35 seconds, but is only awarded second place, as he did not clap.
  • Not much is shown of Eija’s attempt, as she is included in a montage of the contestants who’d had particular difficulty during the task. From her footage, it is clear that Eija does not know what a fidget spinner is (she is even confused by the word while reading the task), and she sets the Newton’s cradle running by shaking the entire thing. She also doesn’t realise that the dinosaur can talk by itself; instead, she picks it up and shakes it, while voicing it to talk about how it is a dinosaur, and to commentate on her progress during the task. Eija sort of completes the task in 2 minutes and 17 seconds, and earns joint fourth place.
  • Not much is shown of Pirjo’s attempt, as she is included in a montage of the contestants who’d had particular difficulty during the task. She takes some time reading the task, trying to understand what is being asked of her. She does not notice the button on the dinosaur puppet, so she slams it against the table to make a noise. At some point, this method causes the button on the dinosaur to be pressed, and Pirjo finally realises that it can make noise on its own. Eventually, Pirjo has what she considers a successful run, but forgets to clap afterwards. In the studio, Pirjo seems baffled by the clapping, and asks Kalle if the clapping was part of the task. It’s unclear if she was joking, or still actually confused by the instruction. Pirjo sort of completes the task in 1 minute and 59 seconds, and earns joint fourth place.
  • Not much is shown of Susani’s attempt, as she is included in a montage of the contestants who’d had particular difficulty during the task. She starts the task in a panic, and starts objects running without any thought as to how long they will take to do their thing. She does not notice the button on the dinosaur puppet; instead, she makes it ‘talk’ by humming the Jurassic Park theme tune. Susani sort of completes the task in 2 minutes and 51 seconds, and earns joint fourth place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)