
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw something the median distance

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

Don't be the best, but definitely don't be the worst.

We're going to reward the mediocre.

Choose one thing you want to throw.

You will throw on my signal, and that will be: one, two, three, throw!

It is important that you throw at the exact same time.

If anyone hesitates or lingers to gain an advantage, that person will be out immediately.

The ones closest to the centre, and farthest from the centre, are out.

Task notes

  • The contestants are stood in a semi-circle around a circular target on the stage.
  • Along the curved line behind which they are stood, a varied range of objects have been laid out on the floor for them to pick from, including: a rocking horse, a wellington boot, a skateboard, a whoopee cushion, a bowler hat, an airhorn, a balloon, a tennis racquet, a badminton racquet, a bowling pin, a set of bellows, a mullet wig, an American football, a watering can, some rubber ducks, a cowbell, a tin can, plastic balls of various sizes, a jack-in-the-box, a hockey stick, a shuttlecock, a baseball, a skipping rope, and a couple of books.
  • In the first round of the task, they all throw their objects at the same time, and then the contestants whose items land closest to and furthest away from the target are eliminated.
  • In the second round of the task, everyone dons blindfolds, and the remaining three contestants then throw their objects in turn.
  • There are similarities between this task and other live tasks such as 'Throw objects, but not too far' and 'Don't get fruit on the pizza', but there are also enough differences that it is categorised here as an original task.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • In the first round, Lars chooses to throw a balloon, while wearing the mullet wig. The balloon ends up landing furthest away from the target, so he is eliminated and earns last place (but chooses to keep the wig on for the rest of the show).
  • In the first round, Vidar chooses to throw a blue book, which lands almost exactly on the bullseye of the target. He is therefore eliminated from the task, and earns fourth place.
  • In the first round, Karin chooses to throw the skipping rope, which ends up being the third furthest item from the target. In the second round, she chooses to throw the bellows, and throws second. The bellows end up landing furthest from the target, so she is eliminated and earns third place.
  • In the first round, Hani chooses to throw the tennis racquet, which lands second closest to the centre of the target. In the second round, she chooses to throw the hockey stick, and throws first. The hockey stick ends up being closest to the target, so she is eliminated and earns fourth place.
  • In the first round, Leo chooses to throw a black book, which ends up being the second furthest item from the target. In the second round, he chooses to throw the whoopee cushion, and throws last. The whoopee cushion ends up being the median distance away from the target, so he wins the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)