
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fill your basket with hot chips

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

Tom Cashman is holding the task brief in a frying basket in the lab. The brief for the task is as follows:

Whilst wearing your seagull helmet, fill your basket with hot chips.

If a hot chip touches the floor, you can’t put it in your basket.

If a chip that isn’t a hot chip enters your basket, you must discard the existing hot chips within it.

You may not leave the lab.

Most hot chips in the basket wins.

You have eight minutes.

Your time starts when you put your seagull helmet on.

Task notes

  • ‘Hot chips’ is the name that Australians use for what the British just call ‘chips’.
  • A grid of inflated red balloons is attached to a structure hanging from the ceiling, at a set height above all of the contestants.
  • Some of the balloons contain ‘hot chips’, while others contain chips of other kinds (e.g. microchips, poker chips, wood chips), and some appear to contain tomato ketchup and salt.
  • Some of the balloons also contain vouchers for portions of hot chips, to be delivered in two minutes. If they present these to Tom Cashman, he heads off to fry up the portions of chips for them, before delivering them to the contestant in the lab.
  • The contestants are instructed to don a helmet which is presented on a plinth in the middle of the room. A wooden model of a seagull has been attached to the top of the helmet, and has a pin or needle attached to its beak, for bursting the balloons.
  • Tom also hands the contestants then chip-frying basket, to catch the chips in, and they don some goggles which are provided with the helmet.
  • There is also a non-slip mat on the floor for some of the contestants, but not during Wil Anderson’s attempt, which was among the first filmed, and during which Tom Cashman slips on some sauce and ‘stacks it’ onto the floor.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!