Put on a frozen shirt and tie

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Dress up in your shirt and tie as quickly as possible.
Task notes
- The contestants are lined up side-by-side on the stage, each wearing white vests, and with a light blue cooler bag and a bell at their feet.
- The cooler bags turn out to be holding a white formal shirt and a black tie, both of which have been dampened and then frozen to make them stiff.
- This is the one and only time in Kongen Befaler when one of the contestants is shown reading out the live task brief. Maria is given the honour and then, as soon as she has finished reading, both she and Siri reach for the cooler bags. This makes the two Ylvisåker brothers panic and also reach for theirs, before Olli stops them all. Calle remains standing, shaking his head at the rest of the contestants. They return to standing and wait for Olli to blow his whistle to properly start the task. In every subsequent episode, Olli has read the live task brief out instead.
Official task video
Task stats


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