Reach the microwave in the fewest steps

Task types:

Task brief
The contestants receive the task brief on one side of the pool. The brief for the task is as follows:
Get to the microwave in the fewest possible steps, and open the door before the microwave beeps.
You have five minutes.
The microwave starts now.
Task notes
- The microwave is located on the other side of the pool, across some of the yard, and over a small stone wall into the middle of the lemon tree grove.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Jessica interprets the task as being just the fewest number of steps. She takes long running steps the entire distance to the microwave, counting each as she goes. She miscounts, going from 29 to 40, and does not notice as she carries on. Jessica takes a total of 36 steps and earns last place.
- Gilmário interprets the task as being just the fewest number of steps. He takes long running steps the entire distance to the microwave. Gilmário takes a total of 28 steps and earns third place.
- Pedro points to the cameraman he believes to be the strongest and beckons him over. He jumps into the cameraman’s arms and is bridal carried around the pool, at which point the cameraman, trying to put Pedro down, accidentally sends the both of them down onto the grass. Pedro takes a few steps in the process of standing back up. Pedro calls over another cameraman, and is piggybacked over the low stone wall. The relay race continues with a third cameraman, who fireman carries Pedro the rest of the way to the microwave. In the studio, Nuno plays the clip of Pedro getting up off of the ground again from a different angle, which shows that while he was waiting for the second cameraman to pick him up, he walked several steps in place without noticing. Pedro takes a total of 16 steps and earns second place.
- Inês begins crawling, pretending to be a cat (the word she uses translates as ‘kitty-walk’). The crawling around the pool is rough on her knees, but she picks up the pace once she reaches the grass. Once Inês reaches the low stone wall, she realises that there are rose bushes present, and gets a thorn stuck in her hand; near the microwave, she also accidentally puts her hand in some sort of animal droppings. In the studio, Nuno provides two numbers: if ‘kitty-walking’ counts as steps, then Inês took 147 steps. If it does not, she took two steps. While Vasco is debating, Inês argues that no one says that a toddler has taken their first step while they're crawling; that the toddler is upright when that happens. The studio audience and her fellow contestants all back up her argument, and Inês wins the task.
- Toy immediately dives into the pool and swims across it. Once out, he starts jumping across the yard, at one point doing an awkward pseudo-cartwheel/ninja roll to cover some distance. Unfortunately, as is revealed in the studio, every time Toy prepares to jump, he takes a step, and also takes a step or two every time he lands. As such, Toy takes a total of thirty steps, and earns fourth place.
(Source credit: Jenny R)