
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make music with something non-musical

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is attached to a music stand in front of Olli in the study. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make music with something that isn't normally meant to make music.

The best listening experience wins.

You have one hour.

Your time starts in one, two, one-two-three-four...

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Live decides to try to play the melody for a quite monotonous children's song called Cow in the tunnel. She tries out some bottles and porcelain cups as instruments, along with some other items in the shed, but cannot find the melody. At one point, she finds a leaf rake and strums on it like a guitar, deciding that will be her fallback plan, if she can't come up with anything else. Back in the study, she continues to try to find the melody she is searching for using a collection of glasses, cups, and bottles. She eventually runs out of time and, frustrated, has to resort to singing a 4 Non Blondes song while strumming the rake like a guitar. Atle awards her just one point for her efforts.
  • Henriette composes and plays a piece, with Olli's help on percussion, titled 'The Waiter's Complaint'. She plays by blowing across the tops of a collection of Coke bottles, before releasing the air from a balloon. She earns three points for her effort.
  • Martha composes a 'listening experience' which she titles 'Stormful night'. Her instruments include a racquet with chain hanging off of it into a metallic cup, and a screwdriver banged against a metallic plate, while Olli shakes a bottle containing something loose. Her final sound is meant to be a balloon being burst with the screwdriver, but she misses the mark, sending the balloon flying off across the room whole, instead. She earns two points for her effort.
  • Kristoffer composes and plays (with Olli's assistance) a piece titled 'Insults and Compliments'. Olli plays percussion on a large plastic tube which is filling with water, while Kristoffer swings a length of hose around in the air. He also plays audio (presumably on his phone) featuring a female voice describing all of Olli's food allergies and how Atle has to put up with him, season after season. He then uses a drill against the base of a large metal bowl, and a hammer against a metal bucket, before dropping the hammer and a glass bottle into the water-filled tube. Finally, he taps a saw against the worktable, and smashes a ceramic goose against a snowshovel. He earns three points for his effort.
  • Espen manages to assemble a variety of objects which he plays separately and has edited togethr afterwards, creating a rendition of sorts of the opening bars of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. He earns three points for his effort.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)