
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Name something in a category and pop a ball out of your hole

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Name a thing belonging to the category of things given by the Taskmaster.

Every time you manage to name a thing, drop a ball into the basket.

Only answers accepted by the Taskmaster will count.

The one with the most balls in their basket wins.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage, side-by-side, each wearing a sleeping bag with a small hole cut into its front.
  • Each of their sleeping bags contains a number of plastic balls, and each contestant stands behind a basket.
  • This task appears to have taken inspiration from the ‘Pop objects out of your hole’ task, in terms of the physical set-up, but has then taken it in an entirely different direction, and is ultimately just a game of naming the most things in a given category (the sleeping bags and balls are essentially just a visual extra, and do not affect the gameplay).
  • When the contestants name a thing which is deemed not to belong to a category, hesitate for too long, or repeat something that has already been named, they are eliminated from participating in that particular round, but are allowed to rejoin the game in the following round. There are three rounds in total.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • In the first round, Jaakko asks the contestants to name things which have a hole. Kalle names a toilet bowl, a mechanical nut, and an ice cream cone (which is only accepted after a genuine debate between Jaakko and Kalle). Ali names the sleeping bag the contestants are wearing, and a basketball hoop (which is rejected due to his hesitation). Eija names hole bread (traditional rye bread with a hole in the middle), a car tyre, a bicycle, and a skateboard (which is rejected, despite Eija’s insistence that the holes that connect the wheels to the board should count). Fathi names a basket, a butt, and a well, before being eliminated for hesitation on his fourth item. Pirjo names a nose, and is then eliminated after naming an eye (prompted by Fathi having named a butt, with ‘butt-eye’ implying an anus). In the second round, Jaakko asks the contestants to name foods that can be made from potatoes. He definitely allows this round to go on for far too long because he’s amused by the contestant’s panicked answers. Pirjo names mashed potatoes, perunakiusaus (‘potato temptation’ - a type of casserole), rosti, vegetable casserole, “potato steak with carrots”, and is eliminated for repeating potato rieska (a type of flatbread already named by Ali). Kalle names perunalaatikko (traditional sweet potato casserole), waffle fries, “casserole with potatoes”, boiled potatoes, “traditional Turkuan sweet potato cake”, holskypotut (‘shaken potatoes’ – a side dish of potatoes and seasonings), and potato hash. Ali names potato wedges, french fries, salmon potato (completely made up), potato rieska (a type of flatbread), “potato kuku”, and kotlet (a Persian meat and potato patty). Eija names jacket potatoes, potato salad, perunavoi (buttery mashed potatoes), herring casserole, Jansson’s temptation (Swedish ham and potato casserole), and ham casserole (which appears to be rejected, as she does not have another turn). Fathi names potato terrine, potato wedges (already named by Ali, but this does not seem to have been noticed), perunapiirakka (potato Karelian pasty), dill potato, and perunapaistos (another type of casserole), before hesitating on his next turn and being eliminated. In the third and final round, Jaakko asks the contestants to name celebrities named Michael. Eija names Michael Keaton, Michael Lee, and Michael Douglas, and is then eliminated for naming the made-up Michael Phyllis. Fathi names Michael Jordan, Michael B Jordan, Michael B Anthony (possibly made up, but there is an actor named Michael Anthony), and Michael Scott (the character from the US version of The Office. Pirjo is immediately eliminated for naming Michael Granlund, a Finnish hockey player whose actual name is Mikael. Kalle names Michael Jackson and, despite not being eliminated, does not appear to participate in the rest of the round (it’s possible he just ran out of balls). Ali hesitates before naming any Michaels, and is eliminated. Ultimately, Fathi wins the task, Kalle and Eija come joint second, and Ali and Pirjo come joint third.

(Source credit: Jenny R)