
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Say the magic phrase while rubbing the lamp

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid on a small round table in the study. The brief for the task is as follows:

Say the magic phrase while rubbing the lamp.

You may not leave the study.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • There is also a bunch of assorted keys on the table, which is covered with a red velvet tablecloth.
  • On the left-hand side of the room, there is a plinth, upon which there is a small wooden treasure chest locked with a combination lock featuring five letters.
  • Inside the treasure chest, there are some chocolate coins, one of which has a piece of paper in it instructing the contestant to ‘Look up’.
  • On the right-hand side of the room, there is another plinth, upon which there is a wooden bread-bin, which is locked with a fingerprint-activated padlock.
  • Inside the breadbin, there is a fish made out of bread, with a piece of paper in its mouth with a message on it that reads ‘I am a bread herring’. In addition, the message ‘You’re A Red Herring Right?’ is written on the inside of the bin. The first letter of each word in this phrase provides the passcode needed to open the combination lock on the chest.
  • Behind the table, in the centre of the room, there is a pedestal upon which there is a perspex box containing an oil lamp. This box is also locked, and the key to open it is found dangling from the ceiling.
  • Paul is seated on the sofa, wearing a pair of white gloves.
  • Also in the room, there is an mp3 player attached to a small set of speakers, upon which there is a playlist of ‘royalty-free jams’, including: ‘Sad memories’, ‘Adrift to slumber’, ‘Yay, let’s conga!’, ‘Tappin’ time’, ‘A relaxing breeze’, ‘Sultry nights’, and ‘Knock out punch’. Reading just the first letter from each track spells out the instruction ‘SAY TASK’, hinting that the contestants should just read the task brief again.
  • When the song ‘Sad Memories’ is played, Paul pretends to cry.
  • When ‘Yay, let’s conga!’ plays, Paul starts a conga line with the contestant.
  • When ‘Tappin’ time’ plays, Paul starts tap-dancing.
  • When ‘A relaxing breeze’ plays, Paul sits down and starts drinking a tropical-looking cocktail.
  • When ‘Sultry nights’ plays, Paul starts seductively removing his white gloves, revealing that he’s wearing another identical pair of white gloves beneath.
  • When ‘Knock out punch’ starts playing, Paul gets up and starts air-boxing.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!